E' più bello quando piove di notte! Si ha la completa percezione di tutte quelle sensazioni che danno serenità, cosa che invece non succede se grigi nuvoloni occupano il cielo di giorno. Strano! Forse è complice il fatto che siam sdraiati a letto e quindi ogni muscolo è rilassato, tranne ovviamente il cervello di chi desiste dal chiudere gli occhi
A volte, concentrandomi soltanto sul rumore delle gocce, sembra quasi di poterle raccogliere in un sacchetto di corda o in un contenitore.....è un esercizio che non completo mai ma che contrasta l'arrembaggio di eserciti lontani.
Allo stesso modo alcuni brani mi conducono esattamente lì, nel punto dove i muscoli facciali di solito son rugosi e tesi: mi basta anche ascoltare la prima andatura di una chitarra o il riff di un pianoforte e la strada si spiana.
Avviene con questa canzone...
It's in your eyes,
the love you hide away.
You can't disguise
the things you feel, the thing you say
If you just call my name
any time at all, I'll be there.
I don't know why,
the way you're falling away from me.
I can't describe
it's how it feels, it's what I see.
If you just call my name
anytime at all,
anytime at all,
anytime at all, I'll be there.
I look around, all I see is you
but you gotta tell me that you want me too.
Look at me, you're all that I need, it's true.
I'm here, just call my name
anytime at all, I'll be there.
I look around, all I see is you
but you gotta tell me that you want me too.
Look at me, you're all that I need, it's true.
I can't disguise
the love I wait for you to share
I can't deny
if you reach out and touch my hand it's there.
Or just call my name,
anytime at all,
anytime at all,
anytime at all, I'll be there.
Avviene con questa canzone...
It's in your eyes,
the love you hide away.
You can't disguise
the things you feel, the thing you say
If you just call my name
any time at all, I'll be there.
I don't know why,
the way you're falling away from me.
I can't describe
it's how it feels, it's what I see.
If you just call my name
anytime at all,
anytime at all,
anytime at all, I'll be there.
I look around, all I see is you
but you gotta tell me that you want me too.
Look at me, you're all that I need, it's true.
I'm here, just call my name
anytime at all, I'll be there.
I look around, all I see is you
but you gotta tell me that you want me too.
Look at me, you're all that I need, it's true.
I can't disguise
the love I wait for you to share
I can't deny
if you reach out and touch my hand it's there.
Or just call my name,
anytime at all,
anytime at all,
anytime at all, I'll be there.